I love the thread at TT 6 weeks to a new you!
A lot can happen in 6 weeks. This 6 weeks has brought more inch loss but not as much as the last 6 weeks. So I am learning to be patient and know that things are changing on the inside.
I have received so much help and encouragement from this group! They have been a real blessing to me during discouraging times! I can't thank them ALL enough! Each one has made an impact on me and I am thankful to have "met" them on the TT thread.
We all want to see changes on the outside, but changes on the inside are really even more important and it is the same physically as spiritually. Our outward actions are a picture of what is going on in the heart. I want to have a loving, forgiving, trusting, faithful, generous, patient, true, honest, heart so that my outward actions reflect the Holy Spirit that lives in me!
I have received so much help and encouragement from this group! They have been a real blessing to me during discouraging times! I can't thank them ALL enough! Each one has made an impact on me and I am thankful to have "met" them on the TT thread.
We all want to see changes on the outside, but changes on the inside are really even more important and it is the same physically as spiritually. Our outward actions are a picture of what is going on in the heart. I want to have a loving, forgiving, trusting, faithful, generous, patient, true, honest, heart so that my outward actions reflect the Holy Spirit that lives in me!
Here is a verse and a thought for the day/week/month/year!
Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.
Galations 6:7-9
Simple as that, we reap what we sow. That is spiritually we reap what we let come into our soul and physically we reap what we let come into our body.
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